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Primary School and Nursery

Year 6TC


Welcome to Year 6! Here you can find out all the information you need to know for this year including all about our learning. I am the class teacher, Mrs Cattermole, alongside the other adults in our class who include Mrs Arnold, Mrs Sitton and Ms Rout.

Summer Term





Our topic this term is Our Changing World. We'll be learning about what it means to be good global citizens and climate change and how this can affect our future.





In history, we're learning about the development of leisure and entertainment after WW2 and throughout the 50s, 60s and 70s.



Our P.E days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure PE kits are in for these days.  The kit consists of black shorts, white t-shirts and trainers.  However, as we may go outside for PE this term please send your child with some black jogging bottoms as well.  Please make sure that kit is brought in at the start of the week and we will send them home after P.E at the end of the half term for washing. Some children (not all) will be swimming on a Thursday so they will need their swimming gear for this.




It is super important to child reads at home as often as possible - preferably every day. In our class, every time your child reads at home, they will receive a sticker. Once they collect 10 stickers, they will get a prize! 





Your child will receive homework every Monday due in the following Friday. This includes: spellings; times tables; one page of either a literacy or maths work book (alternative weeks). 




Don't forget to check ClassDojo for any notices.  Also, if you need to contact me, please do so through ClassDojo during the hours of 8.30am-5:00pm Monday to Friday.


Year 6 Information

Year 6 Leavers Photo Story

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Look at us in Reception!

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Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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