More Amazing Work
I’d like to say a great big well done to all the families joining in the home learning, what amazing progress the children have all made and I know for some of you with large families this has not been easy. I’m supper impressed with our readers too and can’t wait to listen to them.
Wonderful Work
Here are some samples of our hard working class who have been enjoying taking part in
daily English and Maths lessons on the The National Academy site as well as all the other
daily planned activities. What a super clever class, I am very proud of them.
Float or Sink and Bridges
The nursery children are busy this week with lots of science activities and challenges to help develop their thinking skill and perseverance as they investigate. Here are some pictures showing some of the children’s boats and bridges made out of paper and other media, investigating if they will float or sink and investigating how many pennies they will hold before sinking.
Bird Feeder
some of our home learning challenges and have been planned on the theme of a weekly garden bird. One of the challenges was to create a bird feeder, so many skills are developed in this one activity including persistence, resilience and empathy. Look at the pictures of the wonderful bird feeder designed and created by one of our nursery children.
A few wonderful examples of some of the homework for home schooling uploaded on tapestry the children’s learning journey platform this week and some amazing Easter Bonnets. I am really impressed with all your hard work well done everyone. #stayhomestaysafe
Hello we are delighted that you have come to visit our class page where we hope to give you an insight into the fantastic range of learning that takes place through pictures and video clips and remember to check out your child's individual learning journey on tapestry.
For the first half of the Autumn term our chosen theme has been 'Minibeasts.'
The children have had the opportunity to take part in lots of fun activities around this area as they play, sing and discover more about the world around them.
World Book Day In The Nursery 2020
Practically Perfect In Every Way
Hungry Little Minds
This fantastic site set up by the government provides simple fun activities for children form 0-5.
Many little things light up hungry little minds. Kids take everything in, and even the smallest things you do with them can make a big difference.
They love it when you chat, play and read with them, even when they’re too young to understand everything. Whatever the time and wherever you are, you can turn almost anything into a game.
And every little thing you do together will help set them up nicely for the day they start school.
Xin nian hao
We celebrated Chinese New Year in the nursery and took part in a dragon dance workshop amongst other activities. In Mandarin, "Happy Chinese New Year" is "xin nian kuai le" (pronounced shin nee-an kwai le), which is a formal greeting typically used for strangers and means "New Year happiness." A shortened version is "xin nian hao" (pronounced shin nee-an how) is more often used for friends and family.
Look at our pictures of the dance workshop we tried very hard.
Happy New Year!
Our topic for the spring term will be 'Space,' join us as we journey with your child into our solar system and beyond.
Christmas 2019
Getting Ready to Read and Write
Alongside all of our fabulous play opportunities, children access daily letters and sounds groups. These include playful activities to support and promote early phonetic development. This means that children begin to identify the similarities and differences in the sounds and words they hear. They are encouraged to listen out for different environmental sounds such as the birds 'tweeting' and planes flying in the sky. As their phonetic knowledge develops, children are exposed to a world of rhyming and alliteration. We share lots of rhyming stories and have so much fun singing rhyming songs. When children are ready, they then begin to listen out for the individual sounds that make up words and begin to learn how to represent these sounds through writing.
Children have access to a rich and varied provision to support and promote mark making and fine motor development.
We Love Maths Too!
We love to explore the mathematical concepts of shape, space and measures through lots of exciting real life experiences such as baking, water and sand play. Children are encouraged to explore the similarities and differences in the shapes and amounts that they see and find in the world around them. We have so much fun doing lots of active maths activities such as counting as we jump, hop or clap and enjoy lots of engaging small group activities to promote mathematical development as we play. We love to give children maths challenges!