Home Page

Primary School and Nursery

Year 5- Mr Boulton

Welcome to our class page.  I hope you all had a lovely restful summer holiday and you enjoyed the beautiful weather we had.  


Firstly some information about our weekly timetable:-




Monday - PE with Colchester United.

Wednesday - PE with me this first half term we will be focusing on gymnastics.


Please ensure that your child has their PE kit for both days and that they have an outdoor kit as well as we approach the colder weather.




 Homework will be set on a Monday and taken in on a Friday. It will alternate between maths and literacy. There will also be spellings each week. Children unable to finish homework at school will have the opportunity to finish their work during Friday break time.


Class Dojo


Please sign up for the class Dojos so that you can see your child earning their rewards.  I will also post any messages on the Dojo app as well.  




I cannot stress enough how important it is for your child to read to you every night.  If not to you, then another adult maybe.   


Accelerated Reader - Coming Soon


As a school we have managed to secure some funding to purchase a reading scheme called Accelerated Reader.  This enables the children to read a book, then take a quiz on the book to see how much they understood it and enjoyed it.  You will be able to get a text when they take a quiz so you can talk to your child about their book and what they are reading as well.  We hope that this will prove successful, so please watch this space!


Contact Details


Could I ask that you do ensure that the school has the most up to date contact details for yourself and your second contact as this way it will be easier for us to stay in touch with you.  

Year 5 and 6 Trip to Layer Marney Towers


Our Topic this term is the Tudors.  As part of this study we are going on a trip to Layer Marney Towers with year 5 on 16th October.  We will learn what is was like to be a Tudor child in school, what food they ate, what medicines they used.  It promises to be a great day.  Please return your reply slip to us as soon as possible along with your payment.  Children will need to wear their uniform but will be sporting their hand made tudor style hats on the day.  They will also need a packed lunch.  We are very grateful to the Friends of Harwich Community Primary School (PTA) for helping us fund this day and keeping the price to parents low at £8 per pupil. 

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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