Home Page

Primary School and Nursery

Year 4LK

Hello and welcome to class 4LK!

This is our class page where you can find information about what we are learning about in class and also any other information which may be useful.

I am Mr Kerby and I am delighted to teach this class this year. We also have the brilliant Mrs Ranson, our classroom HLTA who covers the class Monday & Wednesday afternoon. Alongside us, we are supported by our wonderful LSAs: Mrs Smith, Mrs Moll & Mrs Hunter.

This Term


Our topic for Spring Term is...



Rotten Romans!




In our Geography lessons, we will learn about mountains. The children will explore the key features of mountains and how they are formed. They will learn to locate the 7 summits on the world map and tour the Rockies.





In History, we will learn about the Romans. The class will investigate the origins of the city of Rome and about its growth and position at the heart of the Roman Empire. 





Spring Term 1


Linking it to our topic this term, the class will be reading 'Romans on the Rampage' by Jeremy Strong for our fiction unit and learn to produce playscripts. Also, they will learn about newspapers and their features so that they can create their own. The class will explore forms of poetry and write their own poem.


Spring Term 2


The class will be reading 'Kensuke's Kingdom' by Michael Morpurgo. Our fiction unit involves looking at stories with issues and dilemmas. Additionally, they will learn about discussion and debates in our non-fiction unit. The children will be given the opportunity to debate in class.



Our maths units include: Multiplication & Division, length & perimeter, fractions and decimals. We've also been practicing our times tables lots!



The first half of the Spring term we will be learning about animals including humans. The second half of the Spring term we will be learning about electricity.



Our P.E Days are Wednesday and Thursdays. Please make sure P.E kits are in for these days. The kit consists of black shorts, white t-shirts and trainers. However, as we may go outside for P.E this term please send your child with some black jogging bottoms as well. Please make sure that kit is brought in at the start of the half-term and we will send them home after P.E at the end of the half term for washing.



Wednesdays P.E lessons


Mr Bolton will teach Hockey on Wednesdays P.E lessons. Most PE lessons will be outside.


Thursdays P.E lessons


Swimming lessons at our local pool will be every Thursdays. We will be walking to the swimming pool and back in all weathers. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the walk that day. Children will need: A towel, goggles, swimming hat (for children with long-hair), trunks for boys and a one-piece costume for girls (underneath school uniforms). We do have some goggles and swimming hats to lend out if children do not have them, however it would be useful if they have their own. All piercings need to be removed. To make the task of putting swimming hats on the children more simpler, we ask that children with long hair come into school on Thursdays with their hair already slicked back from their face in either a ponytail/bun/plaits. Children will need a quick snack for after swimming.




Homework is set on a Friday and is due back on the following Friday. Homework will consist of the following:


Times Table slip


Each child will be given a times table slip with a specific times table to practice. We use weekly and termly assessments to help us identify the time tables that children are working at. When they demonstrate fluency with their assigned times table we will move them to the next one in order of progression. Those children who are fluent in all time tables will be on a mixed times table slip. I ask that all children complete at least 4 days of times table practice each week.


Plenty of practice on TT rockstars at home will help too!


1 page of either literacy or maths booklet


The homework we set is something we would have learnt in class. We alternate between the two booklets every week. The page number and due date is written on the inside of the front cover when we set it. 


Spellings practice sheet


We have divided the class into 3 different spelling groups, each having their own set of 10 spellings to learn. These are lead by Mr Kerby, Mrs Ranson and Mrs Smith. Every Friday, we will introduce to our groups 10 spellings that generally follow a specific spelling pattern. They will have 1 week to practice in school and at home. I ask that all children complete at least 3 days of spellings practice each week on their spellings practice sheet. Children must look > say > cover > write > check for each of their spellings.



Children will have a spelling test and times table test every Friday, so it is important that children practice them at home before then. 


Every week, the students who bring all 3 pieces of homework completed on time will be entered into a raffle at the end of every half term. The 2 students who are selected from the raffle will win a prize. The students who complete all homework every week will have better chances of winning.



Reading is very important so please encourage your child to do as much as possible at home. It will make a huge difference to their learning.


Reading books and reading records need to come back to school everyday.


Please record any reading your child does at home in their reading records. 


Students will be given a hole punch card which will stay in class. When a child's reading record proves they have read at home we will hole punch their card. When a student gets 10 hole punches, they will be able to choose a prize from Mr Kerby's prize box.



Don't forget to check ClassDojo for any notices. Also, if you need to contact me, please do so through ClassDojo during the hours of 8:30am-5:30pm (Mon-Fri).


Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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