Welcome to Year 1!
Spring Term
Hello and welcome to our Year 1 page. There are lots of adults in our room waiting to help us with our learning; Mrs Goff (class teacher on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays), Mrs Cutts (class teacher on Wednesdays), Mrs Marsh, Mrs Alderson and Miss Cooper.
Our topic this term is frozen planet, where we will be looking at the polar regions, polar animals and explorers.
We will be linking our frozen planet topic to some of our Literacy work as well. We will be exploring the book 'Poles Apart' together and retelling the story eventually.
We have also been writing non-chronological reports on polar animals in our Literacy lessons. We have been researching the animals and the different features of this non fiction text type.
In Spring 2, we will be exploring a Julia Donaldson story but I can't tell you what it is... it's a surprise hehe!
We really want to encourage a love of reading across our school and want the children to enjoy reading. Therefore we have a class novel we will be reading, which the children are already loving listening to. We are reading 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl. We are also encouraging the children to read their own reading books at least 3 times a week. If they do read 3 times a week, then they get something from the dippy box, as well as getting 5 dojos each time they read.
Phonics is really important to us in Year 1 as it will help the children in all areas of their learning. The children will have phonics twice a day and will also bring home a Read Write Inc reading book every week for them to read at home. So please practice as and when you can at home.
We have PE on Monday and Thursday!
Please can we make sure that all PE kits are in school for those days and any earrings are taken out before hand, thank you.
We have Dance linked to Frozen and also learning to play Hockey.
If you would like to contact us or hear about what your children have been up to, please use Class Dojo :)