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Primary School and Nursery

Year 2SP


In our class we have myself, Miss Pells and I teach the children on a Monday - Thursday. We also have Mrs Ellmer, our classroom LSA and she teaches the children on a Friday when I'm not in school. Alongside us, we also have some more lovely LSAs to help with the children's learning: Miss Cooper, Miss Cook and Mrs Harrington-Groves.



In addition to this, we are super lucky to have our PE taught by Mr Boulton this year.

Our PE Days are: Monday & Thursday


Spellings: The children are given individual spellings to learn on a Monday and these should be practised at home throughout the week. The children will then have a quick quiz to see if they can remember them the following Monday. 

Wordwalls: The children will come home with new sight words that they should learn to read. These are the words that they need to just know without sounding out. Please help them to practise these and give them a little tick if they remember what it says without any help. 

Reading: Reading is super important and we like the children to read at home at least three times a week - if they do, they get a treat from our super exciting 'dippy bag'. 


Our Summer Term Topic

Our Topic this term is 'Take a Walk on the Wild Side'! It's an amazing topic with so many fun facts to learn! We will look at the location of Africa in the world and then focus on a village in Zambia. We will learn about the people, animals and their culture. We have a range of Artefacts to learn about too. 

In History, we will be focusing on famous black people through History and how they have made an impact on the world today. 

Take a look below at our curriculum map to find out what other lovely things we will be doing!


Beach School!


This term we have been super lucky to participate in Beach School! We learnt so much about all the different creatures in the ocean, how to look after them and the effects of pollution on the world. We all absolutely loved it!

Libby from Seaside Explorers was amazing!

Class Assembly...incoming!

We are looking forward to showing you everything that we have been learning about in year two in our class assembly!

Thursday 13th Jun 2024

Summer Term Curriculum Map

Parents Information Powerpoint - September 2023

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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