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Primary School and Nursery

Year 2SP

Welcome to...

What an exciting year we have planned!

My name is Miss Pells and I am the class teacher for the year!

This year we have some lovely, wonderful ladies to help us with our learning:

Mrs Flatt, Mrs Ellmer, Mrs Grey and Miss Cooper.

Year 2 Parents Powerpoint

Our Topic!

Take a Walk on the Wild Side!

Throughout the Summer term, our topic is based on Africa. We will be learning about where Africa is in the world and specifically looking at the country of Kenya. We will learn about the people and climate in Africa as well as looking at various artefacts and the important animals in Africa. In Art, we will look at a range of different art styles especially looking at the work of some African artists. In History, we will learn about Black people who have had an impact on the world including learning about the amazing Nelson Mandela and how he laid the foundation for democracy. 

I absolutely love this topic and can't wait to go on safari with year 2!

In Literacy, we will be working on stories from another culture and we will infer and innovate the story of Zahra, a little girl in Africa who spends all day collecting water to help her tree grow. We will learn about the features of information texts and we will apply these when writing our own information texts based on African animals! We are even going to create our own book!

In our class, we love reading and the book that we are reading for pleasure at the moment is 'The Day I Fell into a Fairytale'. We absolutely love it!

Our PE Lessons this term will be on a Monday and a Wednesday

On a Monday we will be doing dance and gymnastics and on a Wednesday we will be doing Hockey and bench ball.

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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