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Primary School and Nursery

Butterfly Class- Nursery

Welcome……….. خوش , chao, merhaba, Olá, ¡hola, Pozdravi , Hej, καλως ΗΡΘΑΤΕ, Bonjour, 􀋢ा गत हे, croeso, herzlich willkommen, i mirëpritur, Sveiki!


Please  Click The Link  Above To View a Video Of Our Nursery Class 



A Warm Welcome To All Our New and Old Families As We Return To Nursery










Welcome to the start of a new term in Butterfly Nursery Class 

One of our themes this term is Our Friends and Other Animals

We are so excited to explore our world as we find out about ourselves

our friends and other animals. 

Jump aboard it is going to be a roller coaster of a ride.... 

I wonder what the zoo will send us, to keep as a pet? 


Please click the link to view our curriculum plans. 



We can’t wait to tiptoe through the deep dark woods and meet all the forest creatures that live there in this exciting part of the term.

🦔 🦉🦊🦔

Our Mini topic title for Nursery this half term is ‘Light and Dark & Special Times’. We will be finding out about Diwali, the 'Hindu Festival of Light.’ Following that, we will be reading the book ‘Owl Babies’ as well as other forest tales and learning about nocturnal animals and animals that live in our woods. Role play and small world tables will support our learning about nocturnal animals. In art we will be making hedgehogs and owls from different media . We will be reading the book ‘Whatever Next’ thinking about night time and the dark. In Science we will be using torches to explore light and dark. In Geography we will be exploring simple maps and using vocabulary like ‘next to’ and ‘behind’.

In maths we will be continuing to develop our number knowledge and learning more number songs like ‘5 little owls’ and ‘5 little fireworks’.  We will also be solving autumn number problems like how many spikes are on our hedgehogs. Times of the day will also be an important theme for this term and we will be sorting pictures into day time and night time as well as thinking about morning, afternoon and night.

As the term continues, we will begin to get ready for Christmas by learning songs to sing around the Christmas Tree.  We will also be getting excited for some very special and magical visitors!

Spring Term 2025

very warm welcome back to all the Nursery children and their families after the Christmas Holidays and a big hello to all the new children and their families who are joining the nursery for the first time.

Happy New Year to you all. 



Zoom Zoom Zoom, Spring Term 1 2025

We're Going to the moon!

This First Half Of The Term We Will Be Having Lots Of Fun Exploring Space Through Stories, Songs, Rhymes & The Wonderful World Of Non-Fiction.  

We will of course also be continuing to observe and discover more about the seasons with a focus this term on winter. 

You Have A Family Challenge To Use Your Creative Skills Together To Create A 3D Rocket. 


Spring Term 2

We have been to space and now this second half of the term we are running up a clock and jumping over the moon with a mini topic of nursery rhymes. 

Summer Term 2025

Our topic for the start of the term is Fairy Tales 

Fairy tales  spark imagination and allow children to confront real-life anxieties in fantastical settings. Fairy tales can also help your children deal with difficult emotions and find a hero or heroine they can relate to as well as providing an important role in their early literacy skills and helping to develop a love of reading. 


We can't wait to climb the stalk and stretch our imaginations above the clouds. 

Family Challenge 

Can you design a raft for the Billy Goat Gruff to cross the river?

Scan the Codes to Listen to the Stories

During the first half of the summer term we will also be sharing non fiction books and Story books to find out more about frogs 

We are lucky enough to be able to learn about the life cycle of the frog with frogspawn collected from our own school pond.

Here are some of the new words you may hear us using.

Summer Term 2 2025

We can’t wait to explore the ocean as we dive into the second half of the summer term with a splash in our topic

   Fun At The Seaside 🧜‍♀️🐋


We have some wonderful stories, poems and non fiction books to excite and inspire curiosity and a love of reading.

Our chosen author this second half of the term is Julia Donaldson and we will be exploring different parts of our amazing world as we begin our travels with the wonderful story of the snail and the whale. 

Children's Feedback


  I love going in the woods

  I loved catching tadpoles 

I like teaching everyone to dance

I like playing in the library  

I really liked making a bridge 

I like beat times with the big boxes 

I love playing hide and seek with my friends

I like painting with purple

I love playing can I cross the river

I  like it when we read lots of stories 

my favourite is the writing area 


King Charles lll Portraits By Nursery Class 

click the star to view our gallery





Please Scroll To The Bottom of the Page for More Codes to Rhymes & Other Links 


Communication and Language Development

Rhymes are fantastic vocabulary boosters. They often feature a pleasing rhythmic pattern and simple repetitive phrases that babies and young children find easy to remember and repeat. In order to develop their phonological awareness, children need to be repeatedly exposed to spoken language and nursery rhymes provide the perfect way to do this.

Physical Development

The opportunity to ‘act out’ a favourite rhyme will be a welcome activity for active minds and fidgety bodies. Physical participation in action songs encourage children to develop their fine and gross motor control skills as well as balance, coordination and the skills needed to follow simple instructions.


Counting songs (e.g “Five Currant Buns”) help to develop a familiarity with number sounds and words in a way that is fun and interesting to a young child. Songs such as ‘When Goldilocks Went To The House Of The Bears’ also introduce the concept of scale, size and order. Familiarity with counting songs provides the foundation for crucial numeracy skills and awareness.

Understanding the World

Children find many nursery rhymes very relatable to their own everyday experiences and will enjoy sharing these moments with us and their friends such as a trip to the park with Daddy to feed the ducks (Five Little Ducks), or sharing a picture book with a Grandparent about boats (Row Row Row Your Boat). 


The act of singing a rhyme or engaging with it physically, encourages children to express themselves in a creative way and to find their own personal ‘voice'. Role play opportunities present themselves with different characters and events within the rhyme that the children can respond to either individually or as a group. Open-ended play opportunities are also possible. 

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