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Primary School and Nursery


Our Curriculum Intent


Our intent is to have a broad, balanced, creative and engaging curriculum in which we offer support for our children to become well rounded individuals who contribute to our school community and society in general.  Our children will become confident life-long learners.  They will develop their minds from what they learn, their hearts from who they are, their attitudes when learning about how we live and develop a moral compass about how they fit in the world as global citizens.

The curriculum here at Harwich Community Primary School is designed with our children in mind.  We link our lessons to the topic for each term and this helps give pupils an in depth learning experience.  Each class has chosen an author to focus on each term as well as having a termly topic book to read - have a look at our reading tree pictures below.


You will find our curriculum maps below.  Should you need any further information about our curriculum offer, please do not hesitate the office who will direct your enquiry to the relevant member of staff.  

Reading at Harwich Community Primary School and Nursery



We have been teaching pupils to read using the Read Write Inc scheme which has been designed by Ruth Miskin.



Ruth Miskin writes :  


Have you ever failed to teach a child to read? I have.  As a Reception teacher, I failed a few children every year – and it wasn’t a great feeling. My failure gave me the reading bug. It made me obsess over finding a way that would work for every child. I tried different methods and schemes in five different schools, but it was only when I became a Headteacher that I had the time to trial and research the most effective methods. Twenty-five years ago – first in Leeds and then in Tower Hamlets – I took my first steps towards creating Read Write Inc. But it wasn’t just about finding the right system. As you’ll know, children learn to read more easily when they enjoy it. I loved teaching reading so they loved learning – enthusiasm is catching. I was passionate about their progress. And, as a Head, I needed all the teachers to feel the same as me. Children feel our passion for them – they know when we’re on their side. They know when we will stick with them until they succeed. Every school needs teachers who are passionate about getting children to read – teachers who will take up the challenge of getting every child to read. You!  Be prepared – the first year of teaching Read Write Inc. is the hardest, while you learn the new systems. However, by the second year, you will have the confidence to teach any child to read and write.  I hope you will love teaching Read Write Inc. Phonics and share my passion for teaching children to read and write.

Phonics Information Leaflet

What does your child learn at school each day? Find information about our curriculum subjects here:-

Year 5 Curriculum Maps Autumn / Spring and Summer

Literacy Long Term Map

Spelling Support at our school

PSHE including RSE

Music Development Plan Summary

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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