Welcome to Year 3!
Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we've done and more.
Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
Welcome to our class page. We have been really busy this term. We have been researching information about what it was like to be a Viking. In Art we have made Viking Masks both 2D and 3D! What a clever bunch we are!
- We have been learning how to play football with Mr Boulton.
- We have been learning some arms and foot movements relating to Indian dance.
- When learning all about sound in Science lessons we were amazed when we tapped a tuning fork and put it in water. It made the water move. We were wondering how we could do this in the bath without the tuning fork!
- We have written some excellent Christmas shape poems too.
- We are getting there with our 3 and 4 times tables too. Don't be shy to practise over the holidays!! But we certainly know how to tell the time!! We love our daily maths meetings.