Year 5- Mr Boulton
Home Learning During The School Closure.
I will be using the class web page to share resources with you for home learning. I will endeavour to post tasks on here the in the evening and send the same task the following morning over the Dojo App. There will be no tasks set during the Easter holidays. If you click the near the top of this page where it says home learning that will take you through to the page with the tasks.
Please do not feel obliged to work through these tasks with your child they should be able to have a go at them independently. Sometimes I may post a link to a video to help with explanations. If your child wants to they may upload photos of their work to student portfolios over dojo but this is not a requirement.
The school is aware that families are going to be under higher than normal levels of stress over the forthcoming weeks so no-one will be penalised for not having a go at the home learning tasks.