Welcome to Year 3!
Hello! In our Year 3 class we have Miss Cortes, Mrs Ranson, Mrs Sitton, Ms Rout and Miss Cooper.
Our learning!
Year 3 have loved learning our 3, 4 and 8 times tables using BBC Super Movers! If you would like to practise these at home, please follow the link below:
Our topic this term is 'Ancient Greece' where we have learnt about their way of life, gods and goddesses and their alphabet! The children enjoyed making posters with lots of facts of the Ancient Greeks.
It's super important that your child reads every day at home. Even reading a couple of pages makes a huge difference! Every time your child reads at home, they will receive a sticker. Once they have collected 10 stickers, they will receive a prize!
Your child will be given homework every Monday, which will alternate between literacy and maths. They will also receive spellings to practise at home. Both of these homeworks will be due in on the Friday. Your child will also receive times table homework which is to be handed in every Monday.
Our P.E days are Mondays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child has an indoor and outdoor P.E kit, their hair is tied back and earrings are removed. Thank you!
Keep your eyes peeled for photos of what we get up to in Year 3!