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Primary School and Nursery

Year 4 - Miss Curle

Welcome to our Year 4 Superhero class!


Times tables:

This year our big class focus is going to be on learning our times tables. We need to know all our tables up to 12x12 by the Summer holidays! We will be the first year to sit the new ‘Statutory Multiplication Check’ set by the Government in June. We are not worried though as we are already learning them within class!



Our other big focus this year is going to be on reading and making sure that we read as much as possible. The more we read, the more ideas we have for our writing! Please support us as much as you can by listening to us read at home (even if it is only 1 page).





Topic work:

Our topic this term is ‘The Anglo-Saxons’. We have already learnt where they fit into history and completed a timeline activity. We are excited to learn more about them including what life was like during this time, their armour, clothing, food etc.




Our PE days for this term are Mondays (Colchester United) and Wednesdays (Swimming). Please make sure that on those colder, winter days that the children have an outdoor kit as they will be outdoors for these session (unless it is extreme weather).

We have already had one swimming session and we were really proud of all the children and their confidence in the water!




Homework will follow the school’s policy of being set on a Monday and having to be back in school by a Friday. Homework is always linked to our learning in class and will give the children the opportunity to show you what they have been doing in class!


Accelerated Reader:

All the children have brought home an extra book this week, taken from our Accelerated Reader scheme. This is for the children to read at their own pace at home. Once they have finished the book, they can complete a short quiz on the class IPad and then they can swap it for another book in our school library. This is another way for us to assess the children’s reading skills and also for the children to get even more enthusiastic about reading.


Class Dojo’s:

We are already up and running with Class Dojos in our class. Keep an eye out for what your child is receiving points for! We will also post class messages on here as well.


Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Curle and the Year 4 team

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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