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Primary School and Nursery




In year 4 in P.E. this Summer term we will be looking at Cricket on a Wednesday and on a Thursday we will be going swimming. Then summer term 2 we will be doing cricket on a Wednesday.


In year 4 in P.E. this Spring term we will be looking at Hockey on a Wednesday and on a Friday we will be doing dance

together as a class whilst learning about the Romans. 


In year 4 in P.E. this term we will be looking at tag rugby on a Wednesday and on a Friday we will be doing gymnastics

together as a class. 


In year 4 in P.E. this term we will be looking at football skills on a Wednesday and on a Friday we will be doing HIIT (High intensity interval training) workouts together as a class. 


Please make sure your child has an appropriate indoor and outdoor P.E. kit at school.  



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