Home Page

Primary School and Nursery

Year 3NG

Hello everyone and welcome to Year 3! 

This is our class page where you can find information about what we are learning about and also any other information which maybe useful! 

The staff in Year 3 this year are Mrs Goff, Miss Baker, Mrs Shaw and Mrs Harrington-Groves. 


Our topic for Summer Term is... 

The Acient Mayan Civilisation


We will be learning about the Mayan people and how their life was and also comparing their way of life with our own. We will explore how they hunted and where they lived as well thinking about how the tribes grew and thrived in areas of America. 




In Literacy we are linking our geography topic of rainforests and South America and using the film 'Rio'. From this we will be writing our own stories from other cultures, as well as fables, discussion texts, biographies and poetry.  


Our class Novels this term are 'Oh Maya Gods!' by Maz Evans and 'Esio Trot' by Roald Dahl. 



We have a real love for reading in Year 3.

We are also really lucky to have Mr Kemp come in with exciting new books too :).  








Our maths units this term are: fractions, money, time, shape, statistics and an overview of the four operations. 


Additional Information 

PE with Mr Boulton 


Our P.E days are Monday and Wednesday.   

The kit consists of black shorts, white t-shirts and trainers.  However, as we may go outside for PE this term please send your child with some black jogging bottoms as well. 

Please make sure that kit is brought in at the start of the week and we will send them home after P.E at the end of the half term for washing. 

A reminder that no earrings are allowed. 





Your child will receive homework every Monday due in the following Friday.

This includes: spellings which will either be written or written and accessible on Spelling Shed; times tables, which will be on Times tables Rockstars; one page of either a literacy or maths work book (alternative weeks) or a task linked to another subject and reading.





Reading at home


It is super important to child reads at home as often as possible - preferably every day. In our class, every time your child reads at home, they will receive a tick on our chart. Once they have 10 ticks, they will get a prize!




Don't forget to check ClassDojo for any notices.  Also, if you need to contact me, please do so through ClassDojo during the hours of 8.30am-5:00pm Monday to Friday.



Year 3 parents information powerpoint

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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