Welcome to Year 3!
This term our topic is The Romans. We will be learning about the life of people living during this time, what they wore and how they built a successful empire.
In literacy, we will be focusing on playscripts, biographies and performance poetry.
Every time your child reads at home, they will receive a sticker in their Reading Record Book. If they receive 10 stickers, they will be rewarded a prize from Miss Cortes’ surprise box! Keep reading!
Homework will be given on a Monday and due in on a Friday. Your child will be given Phase 5/Year 3 spellings in their yellow spelling books and High Frequency Word spellings in their pirate spelling books. They will also receive either a literacy or maths homework each week.
Our P.E days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure your child has an indoor and outdoor kit (including trainers), particularly as the weather is becoming warmer.
Don’t forget to sign up to our class Dojo page! ClassDojo is a way of rewarding your child for good work and behaviour at school. Follow the link below to get started:
Thank you for your support!
Miss Cortes