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Primary School and Nursery

Mr Oreo's Page

Our Therapy Pet!

As we were designing and creating our Nurture room at school, we kept noticing something was missing. After much thought and research we decided that we needed a therapy pet. We thought long and hard about which animal would be right for us. Eventually we came to the decision to get a school rabbit. Mr Oreo arrived at school in April 2023 and we instantly saw the benefits of our furry little friend:- 

  • Having animals to care for ties in with the school curriculum of emotional and social needs – empathy, care, love, compassion, understanding, commitment and building confidence
  • Pets can encourage a child’s learning needs, especially in reading, communication, observation and speaking. This is a useful tool when teaching all children but can be particularly helpful for those with special educational needs (SEN).
  • They can help children with behavioural needs as time with the pets can be used as a reward;
  • For many children, it will be their only contact with a pet as they don’t have them at home.

Mr Oreo Memories

Football Skills!

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Post OFSTED Retreat for Mr Oreo

Holidaying at the Heaths!

Autumn Term Part 2

Advanced Footie Skills

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Mr Oreo - Happy New Year

Awesome April Adventures at The Andersons'

Mr Oreo- October Shenanigans!

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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