Home Page

Primary School and Nursery

Nursery-Miss Lindsay

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Welcome to Nursery!

Hello we are delighted that you have come to visit our class page where we hope to give you an insight into the fantastic range of learning that takes place through pictures and video clips and remember to check out your child's individual learning journey on tapestry.


For the second half of the summer term our chosen theme has been 'Under The Sea,' we will be planning lots of fun activities around this area for the children to learn as they play, sing and discover more about the world around them. 

Please remember it is your responsibility to apply all day sunblock (if your child attends all day)  to your child before you bring them to nursery and provide a named sun hat as we will be spending a lot of time outdoors on sunny days thanks. 



The Three Best Friends Graduating

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        What a Sprinter he left the others standing to win 1st 

              Place in the dad race. Well done Rob Pratt.    


Our 'Super Mum's' race was very close but this years winner was Sadie Field


Exploring the Sea Shore

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We joined in with other schools to dress up as dogs to raise awareness of epilepsy and raise money towards providing training dogs to help people suffering. We had a fun day and at the same time learnt about working dogs. 

We love to read and write and share stories with each other in our nursery class. 

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1. Sports Day Thursday June 20th 10am on the sports field all welcome 


2. Leavers party (Prom) Thursday 11th July 4:30 - 5.45 (theme to be arranged) 



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We Joined Children all Around our World to Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day

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Caring and Cooperation In the Nursery - As young children build relationships, they learn how their words and actions affect others. If children see thoughtfulness and cooperation modeled, they learn to collaborate, practice kindness, and do things for others.

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Look at our photographs from world book day

We had fun in PE and read lots of stories together 

We found out all about our favourite author Julia Donaldson

In the afternoon we had a Mad Hatter tea party with

delicious homemade cakes


January Fun With Jack Frost


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Nursery Nativity Play

7th December 

10:15 Entry for a 10:30 Start (Approx 25 Minutes)

We will be posting who is our star of the week here please check to see if it is your child. 


   Stars glitter gifs

     Marnie-Rose for being kind 7.12.18


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We are fortunate to have a lovely outdoor area where our children can express themselves physically and investigate our natural world.  There are opportunities for the children to explore their immediate environment by digging for mini-beasts during summer months, making mud pies or participating in water play.  The children are encouraged to discover new things and they are provided with plenty of opportunities to talk about what they have found.  As a result of this, our children begin to develop the key skills that they need in order to be competent and capable explorers and learners. These opportunities also support development in our prime areas; communication and language, physical development and personal, social and emotional development. 

Ready Steady Wellies - Woodland Fun Fridays

Woodland Fun

Physical Development 


Getting Ready to Read and Write 

Alongside all of our fabulous play opportunities, children access daily letters and sounds groups. These include playful activities to support and promote early phonetic development. This means that children begin to identify the similarities and differences in the sounds and words they hear. They are encouraged to listen out for different environmental sounds such as the birds 'tweeting' and planes flying in the sky. As their phonetic knowledge develops, children are exposed to a world of rhyming and alliteration. We share lots of rhyming stories and have so much fun singing rhyming songs. When children are ready, they then begin to listen out for the individual sounds that make up words and begin to learn how to represent these sounds through writing. 

Children have access to a rich and varied provision to support and promote mark making and fine motor development. 

We Love Maths Too!

We love to explore the mathematical concepts of shape, space and measures through lots of exciting real life experiences such as baking, water and sand play. Children are encouraged to explore the similarities and differences in the shapes and amounts that they see and find in the world around them. We have so much fun doing lots of active maths activities such as counting as we jump, hop or clap and enjoy lots of engaging small group activities to promote mathematical development as we play. We love to give children maths challenges!

Circus Skills Workshop

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September Class Newsletter

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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