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Primary School and Nursery

Year 3 - Miss Cortes

Welcome Year 3!

Hello everyone! Here you'll find some information about the learning taking place in our Year 3 class. 


Brilliant Brazil

This term we are learning about Brazil! We've written our very own narrative stories set in Brazil and we'll also be having debates about deforestation. We've also been learning about a Brazilian artist named Lobo who has inspired our very own paintings.



Our P.E days are Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ensure your child has their indoor and outdoor P.E kit with them every week, as well as any earrings removed before the sessions.



It is super important to child reads at home as often as possible - preferably every day. In our class, every time your child reads at home, they will receive a sticker. Once they collect 10 stickers, they will get a prize! 


Your child will also have been given two reading books. One of them is their Accelerated Reader book which they can read at home and once they have complete it and are confident they have understood it, they can take a short quiz at school.


Your child will receive homework every Monday. They will be given spellings to practise at home as well as a new times table each week.

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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