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Primary School and Nursery

Year 5CC

Here’s to an amazing year together! In our class you will find:

  • Mrs Curle (class teacher)
  • Mrs Williams
  • Mrs Willson
  • Mrs Beck


This year our topics will be:

Autumn Term: The Tudors

Spring Term: The Victorians

Summer Term: World War 1

Information from parent's evening.




  • Reading continues to be a main priority this year. Our class author is Berlie Doherty and we will be exploring a book per term. We will also be reading another book linked to each of our topics. 
  • The children will be rewarded for reading at home, each time they do they will get a sticker. Once they get 10, they can have a prize out of our dippy box in class.



Homework is set on a Friday and due in the following Friday. This will consist of:

  • A piece of maths or grammar work each week (linked to our current learning in class)
  • Weekly spellings
  • Daily reading

If your child is finding their homework difficult please encourage them to attend homework club which runs during Monday lunchtime where a member of the year five staff will be available to give extra support.



If at any point over the year you need to make contact with us, then please either:

  • Catch us on the playground before and after school
  • Contact us on Class Dojo (between the hours of 8am and 5pm)
  • Send in a message with your child




Our sessions are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mr Boulton will be teaching rugby and dance this term. Some of the children will be attending swimming lessons until half term to give them more confidence in the water. We suggest they leave their PE kit in school for the half term (unless it gets really dirty) so they can take part in all lessons. As the weather gets colder, the children will need a tracksuit or joggers and sweatshirt to keep themselves warm. Earrings must be removed for PE lessons and long hair tied back for health and safety reasons. 





Autumn term curriculum



We will be using the text ‘Treason’  by Berlie Doherty to base our literacy work on. This will include story writing and reports. We will also be reading Shakespear’s ‘MacBeth’ and ‘Midnight Summer’s Dream’ so we can write adventure stories and instruction texts. Alongside these, we will complete narrative and choral and performance poetry.



This term we will be looking at place value (numbers up to one million), the four operations (+  -  x  ÷) as well as fractions.



This term our two science topics are earth and space as well as forces. The children will be carrying out investigations, making predictions, collecting results and explaining them using scientific language.



Our topic this term is the terrible Tudors. We will study the monarchs, prominent people of the period and learn about how life was different for the rich and poor.



We will be investigating Antarctica and looking at the importance of preserving this vast landscape for the future of our planet.  



Our two topics this term are exploring the key questions/concepts:

  • Is believing in God reasonable?
  • Has belief impacted on art and music?



This term we will be covering:

  • Positive thinking
  • It’s my body

These units are taught through class discussion where the children are encouraged to think about how they are feeling about themselves with the emphasis on boosting self esteem and confidence.  



This term we will be covering online safety and spreadsheets.



This term we are going to be looking at Tudor songs, focusing on dynamics, pitch and texture.



During this term, we will be looking at drawing skills linked to space art. We will also be designing and making pop up books using a selection of different techniques.



Our two topics this term are learning the seasons and different flavour ice creams.


Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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