Our school uses Charanga for our music lessons.
The children this Summer term 2 in year 4 will be looking at how music can connect us with our environment, looking at purpose, identity and expression in music. We will also be playing and composing our own songs as well as listening to and Appraising the songs:
The children this Summer term 1 in year 4 will be looking at how music can shape our way of life, connecting notes and feelings. We will also be listening to and Appraising the songs:
Train is A-comin'
O Euchre Hildegard Von Bingen
Oh Happy Day by Phillip Doddridge
Romeo and Juliet, Overture-Fantasy by Pyotr llyich Tchaikovsky
A World Full Of Sound by Joanna Mangona and Pete Readman
The children this Spring term 2 in year 4 will be looking at how music can teach us about our community. We will also be listening to and Appraising the songs:
The children this Spring term 1 in year 4 will be looking at how music can improve the world. We will also be listening to and Appraising the songs:
The children this autumn term 2 in year 4 will be looking at how music can connect us to our past. We will also be listening to and Appraising the songs:
The children this autumn term 1 in year 4 will be looking at how music brings us together. We will also be listening to and Appraising the songs: