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Primary School and Nursery

Year 6CC

Welcome to Year Six!


In this class, you will find the class teacher: Miss Curle; supported by our LSA's: Mrs Arnold, Mrs Sitton and Mr Kerby. We cannot wait to help support you on your journey throughout your time in year six.


This year our topics will be:

Autumn Term: World War 2

Spring Term: Social History

Summer Term: Crime and Punishment


Meet the Teacher Power Point- September 2023


  • Our P.E. days this term will be on a Wednesday and a Thursday and will be taught by Mr Boulton.
  • Earrings need to be removed for all P.E. lessons, ideally at home before coming to school.



  • Homework will be set on a Monday and needs to be handed in on a Friday. This will consist of spellings and then something linked to our learning in class



  • Reading continues to be a main priority this year. Our class author is David Almond and we will be exploring a book of his per term. We will also be reading another book linked to each of our topics. 
  • The children will be rewarded for reading at home, each time they do they will get a sticker on a bookmark. Once they get 10, they can have a prize out of our dippy box in class.



  • SAT's week takes place during May 2024. Further details will be sent out nearer the time.
  • We will be identifying children that would benefit from boosters towards the end of Autumn Term and again will be letting you know.



  • Class Dojo is a good form of communication between us and the adults in class will endeavour to reply as soon as possible.
  • We will always collect the children off the playground in the mornings and bring them out at home time so this could be another time to catch us.


Thank you for your continued support. Here's to an amazing year together!



Summer Term


Wow! How quickly is the year flying by! We have been hard at work getting ready for our SAT's which take place the week beginning Monday 13th May. The children have now got to the point (as well as the adults) where we are ready to get these over and done with.


After the SAT's the show must go on..... we will be rehearsing for our end of year show. We will also be recruiting some stage hands to help us with the practical running of the show.


Our Summer term topic is Crime and Punishment. We are recapping all the eras of history that we have already covered during our time at primary school but focusing on the crimes and punishments during these times. Some of the children have been shocked to find out what would happen to you if you committed a crime!


Throughout this term, we will be continuing to focus on our lessons but trying to incorporate as much preparation as we can for our transition to secondary school.


Please keep looking at our class dojo page and weekly school newsletter for year 6 events that we have coming up.


Year 6 SATs Week- Monday 13th May ~ Thurs 16th May (Children can come into school on these days at 8.30am for a breakfast)

Secondary School Transition Day - Thursday 27th June Year 6

Mersea Trip- Monday 1st July – Wed 3rd July

Year 6 prom- Friday 12th July 2024 @ 5:30pm

Year 6 Show 1- Tuesday 16th July @ 1:30pm

Year 6 Show 2- Wednesday 17th July @ 6pm

Year 6 Leavers Assembly- Friday 19th July 2024 @ 9:15am


Thank you for your continued support.

Year 6 team

Year 6 Parental Information Workshop

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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