Welcome to Year 2!
Hello and welcome to our class!
The adults in our class are myself (Miss Pells), Mrs Flatt, Miss Cook and Mrs Grey!
PE Days!
Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays and we are very lucky this term to have our very own 'Tiny Rugby' coach for our Tuesday lesson. On our Wednesday lesson, we are currently doing dance looking specifically at carnival dances and the samba style. Keep your eyes peeled for a date where we will perform our very own carnival procession for you.
Our Spring Term Topic!
Our topic this term is based on famous explorers and in the first half term, we will learn about Ernest Shackleton and his expeditions to the Antarctic. In Geography, we will look at weather patterns in Antarctica as well as climate change. We will learn about a range of animals that live in the polar regions and in Literacy, we will be reading animal adventure stories including a story called 'The Rainbow Bear' - a story about a polar bear who wishes for a coat the colours of the rainbow.
Here is some of the work that we have produced so far this term!
Word Walls, Spelling & Reading!
Reading and spelling is very important to us in year 2 and there are a number of ways that you, as parents, can help us. The children have a word wall with a range of words on them that are important for them to be able to read. It would be great if you could practise them with your child at home. Give it a little tick if they get it right and once they've successfully read them at school, we will give them some new words.
The children will also be given individual spellings on a Tuesday; these are words that they personally are not able to spell. They will be tested on those spellings the following Tuesday and if they get them correct, they will be given new ones to learn. Once again, if you could help your child to learn them we would very much appreciate it.
Reading is also important to us. If the children read at home three times a week for two weeks running, they will be given a prize from the class 'Dippy Bag'.
Times Tables!
By the end of year 2, the children will need to know their 2s, 5s and 10s times tables. If you could help us by allowing your child to practise at home, either by counting them or playing times table games, we would be very grateful!
We look forward to sharing photos of our work and all the fun we have had over the course of the term!