Home Page

Primary School and Nursery

Quick Access Information Page

This page is aimed at you being able to access information quickly about our school, especially if you are new to us. 

I hope you find it informative and find all that you need to know. If not, please do come and see us and we will try and help you with your query. 

School Opening Hours


We are open as follows:


Nursery AM sessions- 8:00- 11:00

Lunch - 11:00- 12:00

Nursery PM sessions - 12:00- 3:00


Main School Hours


8:45- 3:20


Weekly Hours = 32hours 55mins


Reception Lunch - 11:45- 12:45

KS1 Lunch - 11:55 - 12:55

KS2 Lunch - 12:05-1:05


We do offer a breakfast club from 7:45 with cooked breakfast on offer on Fridays. Breakfast Club costs £3 per day and a variety of clubs after school as well as at lunch times too. 





Attendance is really important to us here at Harwich Community Primary School and Nursery. 

Harwich Community Primary School and Nursery recognises that positive behaviour and good attendance are essential in order to raise standards of pupil attainment and to give every child/young person the best educational experience possible. 

We aim to:

  • promote a positive and welcoming atmosphere in which pupils feel safe, secure and valued.
  • Raise awareness of the importance of good attendance and punctuality.
  • Ensure that attendance is monitored effectively and reasons for absences are recorded promptly and consistently.

We promote attendance by using our school mascot - Attendance Ted. Each week the classes compete with each other to see who can achieve the highest attendance and then the winning class will receive a visit from Attendance Ted, a small mascot Ted to stay in class for the week and they also get the chance to play Flamingo Bingo.

School Clubs


Currently we have the following clubs which take place at school


Lunch Time Clubs- 



Homework Club

Young Carers' Club


After School Clubs -

Mondays- KS2 Rugby Club

Wednesdays - KS2 Multi Skills

Thursdays - KS1- Rugby Club

Fridays- Football Club


Remote Education

In the unlikely event that we have to close the school for any reason (weather related or a special circumstance, we will make contact with you via Class DOJos as early as we can. Class teachers will make contact with work to complete and submit on Class DOJOS. 

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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