In year 4 the students will be receiving homework weekly.
On a Monday they will receive their spellings for the week and we ask that they practice these daily ready for their test on Friday. The more they practice the better their score will be!
They will also receive a times table of the week which they will need to practice each day and then hand in on a Friday before the test. Again the more they practice the better their score will be!
As well as spellings on a Monday ether a maths or literacy homework book will be sent home. This will alternate each week. The children will be told which page they are doing, they only have to do that one page. I will also update on here each week which page they should be doing. These will be marked, if your child brings them back and puts them in the homework tray.
The only other thing we ask is if you can read with your child once a day even if it is only 1 page.
So to clarify each week your child is expected to complete:
Week Beginning:
In year 4 if your child completes the above 4 tasks in a week then on a Friday they will receive a raffle ticket! They have to have completed spellings, times tables, complete homework page from the booklets and have read at least 3 times. At the end of term a class raffle will be drawn where prizes such as chocolate, toys and games can be won.
Thank you for your help and co-operation!