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Primary School and Nursery

Year 4 - Miss Gray

We are going to have an amazing year!


Our topic for the Summer Term is 'The Vikings and What makes the earth angry?'



In History, we will be learning all about the Vikings, their raids, Battle of Stamford Bridge and Battle of Hastings. In Geography, we will be learning about Earthquakes, volcanos and natural disasters! 




 Our PE days this year are Wednesdays afternoon and Thursday is our swimming day.



We will be having a big push on our times tables as in June we will be having a quiz on these. I can’t wait to be challenged by you on Rock Stars! 


Here are some links to some useful sites and information too.




Check below for the subjects pages for any subject specific information. 



Our topic for the Autumn Term is ‘It’s all Greek to me!’



In History, we will be learning all about the Ancient Greeks and the Olympics. In Geography, we will be learning about mountains, which is something a little different! 














Our topic for the Spring Term is 'Rotten Romans'



In History, we will be learning all about the Romans, Julius Caesar, Roman army, Roman roads and Boudica. In Geography, we will be learning about Italy and volcanos! 



I am so excited for us to all be together again. We are going to have an amazing year!

Miss Gray 

Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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