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Primary School and Nursery

Year 1 - Mrs Goff

Welcome to Year 1 :)

In our classroom you will find - Mrs Goff, Mrs Marsh, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Ratcliffe and Miss Cooper. 


PE Days

Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. The children will need their PE kits on both of these days please. Their PE kits should include: a white t-shirt, a black pair of shorts and a pair of plimsoles. Now it's getting colder, your children can bring in a tracksuit for when we have outside PE sessions.  In one session we are looking at games and types of movements with equipment. In the other we are looking at carnival moves and the samba dance in particular. Keep your eyes peeled for a date where we will perform our carnival procession to you all :). 




Our topic for this half term is 'A History of Harwich'. We have already been of a tour of Harwich to see some of the famous Landmarks. The children loved this :). We will continue to look at the landmarks and other History associated to our hometown of Harwich. In Geography, we will look at Harwich on the map and other areas around the world, as well as looking at the climate and land of our good old hometown. 


Spellings & Reading

Reading and spellings are very important to us in Year 1 as it will set the children up for the remainder of their school journey. There are many things that you can do at home to support your child too :). Your children have been sent home 3 spellings each which are from the 'tricky words' list. If you could practise these at home with your child, as well as using their matching penguins it will help them greatly. Just give the word a little tick when they have successfully spelt it at home. 

On Wednesdays the children will be tested on their previous weeks words, if they get them correct, they will be given new ones to learn. Once again, if you could help your child to learn them we would very much appreciate it. 

Reading is also really important to us. If the children read three times a week for two weeks running they will get a special prize from the dippy bag. Also each time the children read at home they will receive 5 dojos, which will be put on at the end of a week. 





By the end of year 1, the children will need to know their 2s, 5s and 10s times tables. Children should be able to count in multiples of these tables and know doubles and halves to 10.  If you could help us by allowing your child to practise at home, either by counting them or playing times table games, we would be very grateful! 



Class Dojos

Our children each have an avatar on Dojo and will be given points for any positive behaviour. We will also share pictures and information on the Dojo app. 


Keep your eyes peeled for any photos of our work we will share and all the fun we have had over the course of the term! 




Working Together to Achieve Our Best

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